Shabbat Anthology Volume II (Book/CD)
Composer/Artist:Dunn, J. Mark/Joel N. Eglash, editors
Format:Piano/Vocal/Guitar and CD
The long-awaited series is finally here! Shabbat Anthology brings to light both newly composed and older Sabbath music that has never been published, in Piano/Vocal/Guitar format. Shabbat Anthology Volume II includes classic liturgical works from such esteemed composers as Joe Black, Charles Davidson, Paula Goldberg, Sylvia Goldstein, Lisa Levine, Louis Lewandowski, Mah Tovu, Rachelle Nelson, Stuart Rauch, Benjie Ellen Schiller, Sol Zim and many more. Several ‘folk’ pieces are also included, focusing on the music of the Ladino (Judeo-Spanish)-speaking Sephardic Jews. Perfect for those looking to add something new to their worship. Includes CD with all 33 songs, featuring performances by the original artists, as well as Cantors Richard Botton, Erik L.F. Contzius, Jessica Epstein, Mark Opatow, Kari Siegel-Eglash and others.
Invitation to Shabbat, An (with CD) –
A Beginner’s Guide to Weekly Celebration
Ruth Perelson
Explore Shabbat step-by-step and blessing-by-blessing from candlelighting to Havdalah. Discover the essential elements of tradition along with modern options for enhancing spiritual awareness. Explore the many paths to a satisfying Shabbat celebration through the words of those who began to observe Shabbat as adults. Blessings in Hebrew, transliteration, and English are included, alongside descriptions of rituals, as well as their history and folklore. Rounding out this extraordinary guide are traditional recipes–Ashkenazic and Sephardic–a bibliography, and a CD recording for learning and pleasure that brings to life the music of Shabbat.
A Shabbat Reader: Universe of Cosmic Joy
Edited by Dov Peretz Elkins
Share the rich Sabbath experiences of a diverse group of prominent Jewish thinkers. Noted author and anthologist Rabbi Dov Peretz Elkins has mined every vein of Jewish experience to produce a collection of spiritual essays, poetry, and meditations on the transcendent meaning of the seventh day. He culls from a wealth of sources ranging from the traditional to the radical, including among his forty selections works by Sue Levi Elwell, Blu Greenberg, Lawrence Kushner, Michael Lerner, Alicia Suskin Ostriker, W. Gunther Plaut, Gershom G. Scholem, and Elie Wiesel. Sections of the collection explore Shabbat in Classical Texts, Shabbat as the Ultimate Mitzvah, Jews Celebrate Shabbat, and Shabbat in Modern Thought.
“Dov Peretz Elkins is one of the most spiritual people I know. His work continues to be chicken soup for my soul.”
— Jack Canfield, coauthor of Chicken Soup for the Soul
Do It Yourself Shabbat
URJ Department of Lifelong Jewish Learning
Prepared by the Family Education Committee of the URJ-CCAR Commission on Jewish Education This guide explains each of the four prayers recited on erev Shabbat and suggests alternate ways to incorporate them into various family settings. The blessings are presented in English, in Hebrew, and in transliteration.
The Shabbat Angels
Maxine Segal Handelman, Illustrated by Joani Keller Rothenberg
Something is not right in the home of Chaim Yonkel and his wife, Esther. Usually their home is filled with the smells of delicious foods, the sounds of laughing children, and happy smiles on everyone’s faces. But this Shabbat finds the family fighting, Shabbat dinner unprepared, and the house a mess.
The Talmud tells the story of two angels, Tov and Rah. According to this legend, these angels follow each person home from synagogue on Shabbat and deliver a blessing. If Shabbat is being honored and the home is filled with Shabbat peace, the angel of good, Tov, gets to deliver the blessing that every Shabbat should be like this one. However, if Shabbat is not being honored, the angel of evil, Rah, gets to deliver the blessing, turning the same words into a curse.
This contemporary version of the talmudic tale, illustrated with breathtaking illustrations by Joani Keller Rothenberg, updates the story for today’s families. The Shabbat Angels will delight the whole family while it teaches the importance of Shabbat shalom, Shabbat peace.
Tot Shabbat
Written and illustrated by Camille Kress
This board book for toddlers encourages parents and children to share a rich spiritual and sensory Shabbat experience. Artist and author Camille Kress created this story on cardboard for her young son because heavy pages cannot be torn by little fingers. Her warm watercolors depict Shabbat symbols within the home–candlesticks, challah, and a Kiddush cup–and a family celebrating a peaceful Shabbat evening.
“Simple and engaging.”–Booklist
Shabbat Shalom!
Written by Michelle Shapiro Abraham,Illustrated by Ann Koffsky
From the author of Good Morning, Boker Tov and Good Night, Lilah Tov, Michelle Abraham’s latest book introduces preschoolers to the joy of Shabbat.
In simple, rhyming language, Shabbat Shalom! tells the story of family celebrating Shabbat. . Filled with prayers and beautiful illustrations, Shabbat Shalom! is a wonderful way to teach toddlers about lighting Shabbat candles, reciting the Kiddush, saying the blessing over the challah and more. Abraham’s educational books for preschoolers are proven successes, making learning fun and exciting. Shabbat Shalom! is the perfect compliment to the Morning/Bedtime Rituals books, creating a strong start to leading a Jewish life.