Meets weekly on Sundays 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. & 1 to 2 p.m.
This year’s 7th Grade B’nei Mitzvah program will be taught by Rabbi Joshua Samuels, Leah Bordman, and a variety of guest expert teachers.
Becoming a B’nei Mitzvah is a significant Jewish life cycle event. This milestone marks a completion of one level of learning, with a commitment to now engage in deeper study, and gain a more mature understanding of Judaism, in order to assume the responsibilities of Jewish life. Literally, they are becoming a child of the commandments.
This year of study marks these students’ first steps into that deeper study, where they take more responsibility for their learning and their developing Jewish identity.
Get started now by downloading Beth Israel’s new 2022-23 B’nei Mitzvah Handbook. Questions? Contact Rabbi Samuels through the Beth Israel office, (360) 733-8890.
The Congregation Beth Israel facility is available for congregants’ celebrations. More information is available on our Facilities Rental page.
Making it Count: Guidelines for Becoming a Bar/Bat Mitzvah
This guide is designed to help you make the most of your Jewish journey. Focusing on the values that are most important in our tradition, you will explore together what commitments you can make to bring these principles to life. Judaism has a lot of special wisdom to offer, but only you can make it real.