Sermons by Rabbi Joshua Samuels (unless otherwise noted):
Erev Rosh Hashanah: If I am not for me
Rosh Hashanah Morning: Chaos on Campus
Kol Nidre: Pidyon Shvuyim
Yom Kippur: Lessons About Death
Erev Rosh Hashanah: God Re-visited
Rosh Hashanah Morning: Judaism and Gender
Kol Nidre: Life After Death
Yom Kippur: Holiness
Erev Rosh Hashanah (Awe Wonder and the Cosmos)
Rosh Hashanah Morning (Reproductive Justice)
Rosh Hashanah Day 2, The Akedah (by David Schlitt)
Kol Nidre (Regret)
Yom Kippur Morning (Loving-Kindness)
Erev Rosh Hashanah (What Brings Us Here Tonight)
Rosh Hashanah Morning (The Z Word)
Kol Nidre (We Are All Flawed)
Yom Kippur Morning (My Ethical Will)
Yom Kippur: Jewish Elderhood
Kol Nidre: Judaism and Guns
Rosh Hashana Day 2: What do Jews Believe? by Stuart Berman
Rosh Hashana morning: Judge Not — The Jewish Perspective on Casting Judgment
Erev Rosh Hashana: Why I am Proud to be a member of CBI
YK morning Tochecha- Rebuke Lovingly
YK Kol Nidre Love your neighbor as yourself
Shabbat Shuvah, Guest Sermon by Roby Blecker
Rosh Hashana morning: To Be a Super Hero
Erev Rosh Hashana: Why I am Proud to be a Reform Jew
2017 Yom Kippur Morning: Finding Resilience
2017 Kol Nidre: Scapegoating
2017 Rosh Hashana morning: Mahloket L’shem Shamayim
2017 Erev Rosh Hashana: Why I am Proud to be a Jew
Yom Kippur Morning 2016: Jewish Response to Black Lives Matter
Kol Nidre 2016: Forgiveness
Erev Rosh Hashana 2016: Happiness, Happiness You Shall Pursue
Rosh Hashana 2016 Day 1 — Carving a New Future
Rosh Hashana 2016 Day 2 — Guest Sermon by Roby Blecker
Kol Nidre 2015, Holding a Grudge
Yom Kippur Morning 2015, How Do We Want to Be Remembered?
Erev Rosh Hashana 2015, Storytelling
Rosh Hashana 2015 Day 1, Empowered Judaism
Rosh Hashana 2015 Day 2 — Guest Sermon by Roby Blecker
Chol Chamoed Pesach 2014 — Guest Sermon by Roby Blecker
Va’yetzei Nov. 28, 2014 — Guest Sermon by Roby Blecker
Kol Nidre 2014, Let’s Talk About Israel
Yom Kippur morning 2014, Jewish Bucket List
Rosh Hashana morning, 2014 – Let’s Talk About God
Erev Rosh Hashana 2014 – Be a Blesser
B’har Leaving One’s Home May 2014
Parashat Vayeshev Nov. 22, 2013
Yom Kippur morning 2013 – Israel
Kol Nidre 2013 – Computer crash
Rosh Hashana morning: Relational Judaism
Rosh Hashana evening: Inspiration from Two Women
Elul Reflections: Preparing for the Yamim Nora’im 2013
Shofetim Aug. 9, 2013
Va’etchanan Honoring our Parents 2013
B’haalot’cha May 24, 2013 (PDF 95.73 KB)
Teacher Appreciation May 31 2013 (PDF 61.12 KB)
Getting Dirty for Pesach March 22, 2013 (PDF 21.14 KB)
MLK 2013 (PDF 64.33 KB)
Vayigash 2012 (PDF 87.50 KB)
Lech Lecha (PDF 87.61 KB)
Women of the Wall October 2012 (PDF 75.73 KB)
Rosh Hashanah – Abayudaya (PDF 92.65 KB)
Rosh Hashanah – Family Issues (PDF 107.73 KB)
Rosh Hashanah Day 2 – Financial Meltdown (PDF 100.89 KB)
Yom Kippur – Apologizing (PDF 156.70 KB)
Yom Kippur – Rachel Corrie (PDF 125.15 KB)
Ki Teitzay – Aug. 31, 2012 (PDF 83.35 KB)
Elul – Aug. 24, 2012 (PDF 62.91 KB)