The Sisterhood of Beth Israel will not be an active auxiliary of CBI as of Fall 2019. The last several years has seen a decline in memberships and other than a very successful “New Kitchen Shower” in 2017, meetings/planned gathering have had minimal attendance.
Small groups, such as Book Group (see online calendar or Shofar newsletter for dates/locations and see a list of previously read books updated January 2024) and Knitting/handwork Group will continue. These have been Sisterhood sanctioned versus official Sisterhood events.
A walking group gets together weekly for easy trail walks. In September 2021 we visited Big Rock Garden Park, where a sculpture is dedicated to congregant Anne Brown, z”l.
The remaining monies in the Sisterhood account will be used to purchase kiddush cups for b’nei mitzvah through at least the next class, help offset some of the cost of the Break the Fast and purchase the annual calendar until such a time there are not sufficient funds.
We welcome your input but please, do not send us dues!
Thanks for all your support over the decades!
Miriam Davids
Joan Wayne