About Us
Rabbi Samuels in Olympia
Click below to watch Rabbi Joshua Samuels deliver the opening prayer at the House of Representatives in Olympia March 28, 2019

Membership Committee welcomes you!
The Membership Committee welcomes you to Congregation Beth Israel. Whether you are a longstanding member, a new member, an out-of-town visitor, or someone just curious to learn more about our synagogue, our committee is here to answer your questions and be of service.
Congregation Beth Israel’s membership includes more than 200 families – mostly from Whatcom and Skagit counties in Northwest Washington state. We are a Reform congregation, affiliated with the Union for Reform Judaism (URJ).
The Membership Committee is here to respond to requests from prospective members about our congregation and also our region. If you are from out of town and will be visiting Bellingham, please contact us ahead of time and one of us would be happy to show you around and give you a tour of our city. If you are new to the area and decide to attend Friday night or Saturday morning services, please introduce yourself to us. We generally have a member from the committee serving as a greeter. We want to meet you and get to know you better!
Each summer the Membership Committee holds an Ice Cream Social for prospective members in a fun, family-friendly, and informal setting. This is a great way to meet the Rabbi, the Board of Directors, and others considering joining our Jewish Community. Every winter the committee hosts a New Member Event to formally recognize and welcome those who have joined within the past year. Throughout the year we sponsor a variety of social events to encourage all members to get to know each other better and to deepen the bonds within our Jewish Community.
Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.
Sue Mahar, committee chair
(360) 319-5314
Benefits of Membership
Beth Israel invites those who are interested in participating in synagogue activities and becoming part of the Jewish Community of Northwest Washington to join our congregation. We do require at least one member of your family be Jewish. Non-Jewish family members are welcomed and encouraged to participate fully. Currently, our membership includes more than 200 families – mostly from Whatcom and Skagit Counties and Southern British Columbia, Canada. We are a Reform Congregation and an affiliated member of the Union of Reform Judaism.
Our congregation, under the spiritual guidance of Rabbi Joshua Samuels, offers weekly Friday night Shabbat services, twice monthly Saturday morning Shabbat services, regular Torah Study sessions, and ritual observance of all Jewish Holidays throughout the year. All are welcome to attend.
In addition to High Holy Day observances, each year Congregation Beth Israel hosts a Community Seder at Passover, Purim Carnival and Purim Spiel, Hanukkah Party, and a variety of other traditional celebrations.
Among the benefits of Beth Israel membership are:
- Becoming part of a vibrant, active, and growing Jewish Community
- Having a spiritual home for observing Jewish holidays and important life cycle events
- Receiving Bar and Bat Mitzvah training for boys and girls coming of age, or B’nei Mitzvah training for adults
- Enrolling in Beth Israel’s Religious School (kindergarten – confirmation)
- Becoming active in our youth group, NFTY-Northwest Chapter, that meets regularly for social and educational programs
- Enjoying special programming for young children (Tot Shabbats)
- Partaking of a variety of adult education classes on a wide range of Jewish topics
- Enrolling in conversion classes for those wishing to become Jews
- Receiving our newsletter, Shul Shofar, to stay abreast of synagogue events and activities
We invite you to daven (pray), schmooze, and come celebrate Shabbat with us. Join Congregation Beth Israel and help us preserve our more than 5,700 year old Jewish heritage.
Message to our community
Last services at old building
Goodbye 2200 Broadway
Strategic Plan 2017-2020
Thanks for the memories
After 92 years, Congregation Beth Israel bid farewell on Oct. 14, 2017, to the building that we have called home at 2200 Broadway. Following are recollections from congregants about our time here.
Weeping willows weep no more, their branches left the sky.
The curtain of the Ark is down; the Torahs have said good-bye.
They will be read again on a new and different day —
with the breath of Sarah and Abraham curled inside our DNA.
The memories remain inside us, glowing deep within our hearts.
The present and the past are one as we pack up and depart.
Everyone has a memory that keeps us in the fold;
some are sad departures and some are always told;
We have a goal and purpose: to keep the flame alive,
This Jewish light that binds us will surely grow and thrive.
Our ever-changing Exodus keeps us moving ever on;
The V’ahavta guides us as we reach towards the dawn.
An empty palace with room for all stands still with an open door:
awaiting our grand entrance with our chant L’dor v’dor.
So incredibly sad to leave this place.
So many celebrations, remembrances, lifecycle events.
So much challah, rugelach, shakshouka, hummus, bagels and lox, hamantashen, sufganiyot, latkes, latkes, latkes, curry, beans and rice, gefilte fish, horseradish, and matzah balls eaten.
So many games of gaga and duck, duck, goose. Virtual,
interactive trips to Israel and Ellis Island.
So many prayers for peace and healing.
So many tricky and difficult
subjects discussed with respect.
So many Holocaust survivors, and so many survivors of
So many who chose this path to God.
So many sederim.
So many lulavim and etrogim shaken in so many sukkot.
So many adults dancing with joy as our precious Torah was carried by.
So many little children dancing with joy as they were encircled with the fully unrolled Torah scroll.
So many women in the balcony.
So many immersions in the
So many arms around so many shoulders as we swayed to Oseh Shalom.
So many interfaith families
raising so many children in Jewish homes.
So many looks of wonder when something from our history
suddenly became clear.
So many chanters of Torah and Megillah.
So many aliyot!
Now, we begin our short trip in the wilderness. How appropriate that this falls on the heels of
Sukkot. Unlike our ancestors, we know our objective, and we know we will land in our new home soon. We’ll leave this place
brimming over with memories and soon will arrive at our new empty vessel.
We’ll lament the loss of our old and familiar home, and we will begin filling our new home with memories. May it be so.
It was Friday evening October 13, 2017, and almost 73 years after my first Shabbat service at our 2200 Broadway at Irving Congregation Beth Israel. The enlightening spirit and palpable energy of the Simchat Torah service was completely remarkable; and the large crowd attending, the happiness exuded, & satisfaction of all with the congregation and our Rabbi, made its last wonderful statement for this celebration & our old Shul.
Hi, I’m Emil Hecht and I grew up here at CBI and my Bar Mitvah plaque from 1954 speaks to my age and first recognized Bar Mitvah of the Rabbi Fred Gartner era. I recall many, many sweet memories and tremendous change of the years. Way back, I recall walking to Shul with my grandparents from Walnut street…my grandmother sitting in the upstairs balcony with the other women. Eventually the women moved down to sit with their families. I recall reading Torah here from the raised Bimah in the front middle rows facing the ark, before the remodel.
Of course we had our Sunday School classes, especially with Francis Garmo teaching us downstairs and then moving up to the Rabbi’s study for post Bar Mitzvah learning. 70 years in close connection with the building and the services dovining with members & then all the many and different Rabbis. The holidays, plays & life cycle events of parents, grandparents, sister, & friends were all here. All of our family Bar and Bat Mitvahs & my wife’s conversion study also.
But mostly, it has been the awesome spirit of the place…the love, caring, & teaching that made it special. When we had a personal or family crisis, deep questions, or concerns….Here is where we came….and got advice & comfort, but mostly to seek our GOD, and find our creator and the help we needed!
There is no question in my mind that all this and more, will easily transfer to our new home and Shul…that we have ALL worked so very hard for. Many thanks to our old Broadway home.
Emil Hecht
Some memories of “The Shul on Broadway” in the early 1950’s (plus, plus)
Emil Hecht’s reference to the four of us (Emil, Mary Garmo, Jon Orloff and I) as a grouping of bar/bat mitzvah students is certainly accurate, and all the more significant because there had not been any b’nai mitzvah for some years prior to ours in 1954 and 1955. It was as if the Beth Israel community had had a “missing generation.”
It was about that time that the congregation was morphing from a quasi-Orthodox shul (apparently pre-World War II it was entirely Orthodox) to one that would be identified as Conservative even though there was no formal affiliation with the Conservative Movement. As a practical matter, what that meant – in terms of the use of the shul – is that some of the more traditional women would sit upstairs but clearly a decision was made at some point whereby the first few pews on each side would be gender-separated (the men were on the right side facing the ark, the women on the left). However, beyond those first several rows, it was “mixed seating.”
For some members, it hardly mattered whether the congregation was Orthodox or Conservative. I recall one of my many great-uncles in town who was totally secular but “very Jewish” – he just expressed his Jewishness by being an ardent Zionist. That said, to “keep peace in the family,” he would make an appearance during the High Holy Days but on at least one occasion I remember his sitting in a pew holding and reading a newspaper rather than the machzor!
When the shul was dedicated (in the 1920’s), almost all of the members lived within relatively easy walking distance. By the early 1950’s a significant percentage lived on Bellingham’s Southside which necessitated driving to shul for Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur. So, what happened? Many, including my Dad, would drive but park a couple of blocks away – and then our family would walk the remaining distance.
Even so, there was still something of an “old world” quality to the shul in those days. Not only did some women sit apart from their husbands but when someone was “talking in shul,” one or more of those gathered at the bima in the center of the shul would either “shh” that person rather pointedly or bang one of the machzorim (High Holy Day prayer-books) on the lectern to silence the miscreant!
For us “kids,” the High Holy Day services at times seemed interminable. I recall that some of us would walk outside as frequently as we thought we could without being reprimanded by our parents (!). In my case, that meant trying to catch grasshoppers in the high grass on the Irving St side of the building or walking over to the home of Fannie Thal one of my great-aunts (and mother of the late Shirley Zell) on nearby Peabody Street, especially if a World Series game was on TV!
As for other memories…I seem to recall that there was a mikveh in the back area of the lower level. I have no idea when it was removed or how the decision was made. I also recall that one of the main sources of fund-raising was a “rummage sale,” held at least annually.
Following the retirement of Fred Gartner, the congregation engaged Harold Rubens (spelling?), a Reform Rabbi. Coincidentally, both Gartner and Rubens moved to town from Vancouver. The CBI demographic changed a great deal during the 1960’s and 1970’s – younger adults had moved into town from all over the U.S. and there was a much higher incidence of intermarriage. In that same time period, almost all of the “old timers” who favored a much more traditional congregation had passed away. In those days, I was the Associate Dean of Hebrew Union College in Los Angeles and, in that capacity as well as being someone with deep family roots in CBI, I traveled to Bellingham with Rabbi Morris Hershman, then the Regional Director of the UAHC (now URJ) to meet with the Board of Trustees to encourage the congregation to affiliate with the Reform Movement. Not to be too flippant about it, but essentially our message was “if you look like a duck, act like a duck and pray like a duck,” it may be time to recognize that you are a duck!! From that time forward, all the rabbis have been Reform – all of them graduates of the Hebrew Union College. Consequently (and to my delight as the Senior Vice President Emeritus of the Union for Reform Judaism) Beth Israel’s members take advantage of our Reform Movement’s biennial conventions, our Religious Action Center in Washington DC, the North American Federation of Temple Youth and Camp Kalsman, a fabulous facility serving youngsters from Reform congregations throughout the Pacific Northwest – all of this being a “far cry” from the days when Emil, Mary, Jon and I were preparing for our b’nai mitzvah ceremonies in the early 1950’s!
Current Newsletter
Click here to see our archived newsletters.
Board of Directors
Executive Board
- President: Jodi Litt
- Vice President: Erin Cohen
- Vice President: Jane Relin
- Treasurer: Karen Sloss
- Secretary: Tammy Dixon
- Steve Ban
- Jason Benhaim
- Stuart Berman
- Paul Blum
- Tamar Clarke
- Kevin Donner
- Miriam Davids
- Binnie Perper
- Terri Weiner
- Past President: Josh Greenberg
RAC Blog by Rabbi Samuels
Read Rabbi Joshua Samuels’s blog entry, “Understanding and Protecting the Sacred Spaces of American Indians,” on the Religious Action Center’s website.